README was presented at Leaking Container (17-19th sept 2020) and Tracking Distribution (27th nov - 31st jan 2021) at Index - The Swedish Contemporary Art Foundation.
In conjunction with Leaking Container and Tracking Distribution, coyote presented two new sculptures, Metro7673 and Metro5108. The sculptures are re-purposed newspaper stands of the daily newspaper Metro, which went digital and later bankrupt in 2019. The abandoned stands were spread over Stockholm and in September of 2020, the last stands started to disappear, being erased from the cityscape. The two sculptures allocates the history of Metro and is reactivated by the publication, README, produced and distributed by coyote in conjunction with Index Foundation. The publication is presenting artworks, texts and images relating to forms of distribution. It can only be accessible by one of the sculptures, Metro7673, installed as durational public art work at Tunnelbacken, Klevgränd 8, Stockholm (please check link for direction). Metro7673 will distribute README publicly until the stock runs out.
Get README here:
Documentation by Johan Österholm